Efficacy Of Instrument-Assisted Manipulation Determined By An Animal ModelAward last edited on: 10/9/09
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NCCAMTotal Award Amount
$98,786Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Arlan W FuhrCompany Information
Activator Methods International LTD (AKA: AMI)
2950 North Seventh Street Suite 200
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Phoenix, AZ 85014
(602) 224-0220 |
hello@activator.com |
www.activator.com |
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: Maricopa
Congr. District: 09
County: Maricopa
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43AT004933-01Start Date: 8/1/09 Completed: 7/31/10
Phase I year
2009Phase I Amount
$98,786Public Health Relevance:
These investigations identify in further detail the links between pain and inflammation and how these processes may be suppressed by a form of instrument-assisted spinal manipulation. In so doing, it may become more apparent how the inhibition of pain necessarily becomes the suppression of inflammation, a potentially life-threatening process. From a practical standpoint, the optimum dosage force, frequency and temporal distribution of manipulations obtained should be useful benchmarks in the development of clinical guidelines and best practices in everyday clinical applications.
Public Health Relevance Statement:
PROJECT NARRATIVE These investigations identify in further detail the links between pain and inflammation and how these processes may be suppressed by a form of instrument-assisted spinal manipulation. In so doing, it may become more apparent how the inhibition of pain necessarily becomes the suppression of inflammation, a potentially life-threatening process. From a practical standpoint, the optimum dosage force, frequency and temporal distribution of manipulations obtained should be useful benchmarks in the development of clinical guidelines and best practices in everyday clinical applications.
Project Terms:
Absence of pain sensation; Absence of sensibility to pain; Action Potentials; Address; Affect; Analgesic Agents; Analgesic Drugs; Analgesic Preparation; Analgesics; Animal Model; Animal Models and Related Studies; Animals; Anodynes; Anti-Inflammatories; Anti-Inflammatory Agents; Anti-inflammatory; Antiinflammatories; Antiinflammatory Agents; Antinociceptive Agents; Antinociceptive Drugs; Articulation; B cell differentiation factor; B cell stimulating factor 2; B-Cell Differentiation Factor-2; B-Cell Stimulatory Factor-2; BCDF; BSF-2; BSF2; BSF2 (B cell stimulating factor 2); Behavioral; Benchmarking; Best Practice Analysis; Biochemical; Bone structure of spine; CSIF; CSIF-10; Cachectin; Cachectin-Tumor Necrosis Factor; Cells; Characteristics; Chronic; Clinical; Common Rat Strains; Constriction, Pathologic; Constriction, Pathological; Cytokine Synthesis Inhibitory Factor; Cytokine formation-inhibiting factor (mouse clone F115 protein moiety reduced); Data; Development; Differentiation Factor, B-Cell; Dorsal Root Ganglia; Feels no pain; Filament; Foot; Frequencies (time pattern); Frequency; Ganglia, Spinal; Glia; Glial Cells; Goals; Grips; Guidelines; HPGF; Heating; Hepatocyte-Stimulating Factor; Hybridoma Growth Factor; Hyperalgesia; Hyperalgesic Sensations; IFN-beta 2; IFNB2; IL-1; IL-10; IL-6; IL1; IL10; IL10A; IL6 Protein; INFLM; Implant; Inflammation; Inflammation Process; Inflammation Process, Multicellular; Injury; Instrumentation, Other; Interleukin 10 Precursor; Interleukin 6 (Interferon, Beta 2); Interleukin I; Interleukin-1; Interleukin-10; Interleukin-6; Investigation; Joints; Kolliker's reticulum; Life; Link; Lymphocyte-Stimulating Hormone; MGI-2; Macrophage Cell Factor; Mammals, Rats; Measurement; Measures; Mechanics; Membrane Potentials; Methods and Techniques; Methods, Other; Modeling; Molecular; Myeloid Differentiation-Inducing Protein; Nerve Cells; Nerve Unit; Nervous; Neural Cell; Neurocyte; Neuroglia; Neuroglial Cells; Neurons; No sensitivity to pain; Non-neuronal cell; Operation; Operative Procedures; Operative Surgical Procedures; Outcome; Outcome Measure; Pain; Painful; Peripheral nerve injury; Pes; Physiologic; Physiological; Plasmacytoma Growth Factor; Principal Investigator; Process; Rat; Rattus; Regulation; Rest; Resting Potentials; Rod; Rod Photoreceptors; Rods (Eye); Rods (Retina); Spinal Column; Spinal Ganglia; Spinal Manipulation; Spine; Steel; Stenosis; Surface; Surgical; Surgical Interventions; Surgical Procedure; T Helper Factor; TNF-alpha; Techniques; Thermal Hyperalgesias; Time; Transmembrane Potentials; Tumor Necrosis Factor; Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha; Vascularization; Vertebrae; Vertebral; Vertebral column; Withdrawal; analgesia; backbone; clinical applicability; clinical application; cytokine; design; designing; dorsal root ganglion; dosage; foot; grasp; hyperalgia; implantation; inhibit pain; instrument; instrumentation; interest; interferon beta 2; lymphocyte activating factor; mechanical allodynia; model organism; nerve cement; nerve injury; neural; neural injury; neuronal; neuropathic pain; pain inhibition; painful neuropathy; public health relevance; relating to nervous system; response; rod cell; spine bone structure; surgery
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00