Lighting a very large fraction of the electrical energy consumed in industrial and commercial facilities. Much of this energy is wasted because rooms and areas are unoccupied or underoccupied or are occupied for only a fraction of the day. Lighting management systems to date are expensive, complex, require multiple sensors, can involve elaborate networking and can rely on movement of occupants rather than simply presence. Technology will be developed and demonstrated to use the inherent properties of the lights themselves to detect occupancy and create a system to reduce greatly energy consumption in unoccupied areas. The system will be inexpensive, easy to install and flexible in design. Light fixtures were tested and the concept was demonstrated of using inherent properties of the lights to detect occupancy, control lighting and reduce energy consumption. Measurements were made of system detection range and capability. Fluorescent light ballasts will be designed, built and tested to refine the technology. Capability will be demonstrated in actual service. The capability will also be extended to control of solid state lighting systems (i.e. LEDs) and to building energy management systems controlling other energy consuming systems like HVAC. Commercial Applications and other
Benefits: Commercial products will include light ballasts with inherent occupancy monitoring, self regulation and energy saving capability. Benefits can include substantial energy saving and easy to implement energy management systems.