Array Informatics To Understand Ploidy ConcordanceAward last edited on: 7/11/2011
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NICHDTotal Award Amount
$1,799,814Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Matthew RabinowitzCompany Information
Natera Inc (AKA: GSN~Gene Security Network)
13011 Mccallen Pass Building A Suite 100
San Carlos, CA 78753
San Carlos, CA 78753
(650) 249-9090 |
info@natera.com |
www.natera.com |
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 15
County: Travis
Congr. District: 15
County: Travis
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R44HD060423-01Start Date: 2/14/2009 Completed: 8/13/2009
Phase I year
2009Phase I Amount
$200,068Public Health Relevance:
With the accumulating knowledge of how disease phenotypes are associated with genotypes, the question arises how this knowledge can be applied to improve the quality of life and health. Chromosomal disorders such as aneuploidy have been important causes of childhood morbidity and mortality, and the quality of life of the affected children will vary depending on which chromosome(s) is involved. In the context of in vitro fertilization (IVF), it is estimated that at least 50% of human embryos are affected by aneuploidy and other chromosomal abnormalities. Implantation of these embryos can lead to universally undesired medical outcomes such as failed embryo implantation, spontaneous abortion, or birth of a trisomic child. It is, therefore, not surprising that reproductive specialists are increasingly turning to preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) testing in efforts to identify embryos with the best chance of development into healthy children. With this grant, Gene Security Network (GSN) will develop a new customized technology platform that integrates GSN's proprietary bioinformatics technology with Illumina-based genotyping technology. This customized platform will enable IVF physicians to screen embryos for aneuploidy, deletions, insertions and translocations across all chromosomes with unprecedented accuracy and scope, and at a similar cost compared to other methods. This technology, termed Parental SupportTM (PS), is built on the fundamental principles of meiosis and Human Genome Project data. In comparison to other existing PGD methods, GSN's new customized platform enables: i) determination of aneuploidy with roughly two orders of magnitude lower error rates; ii) determination of aneuploidy across all chromosomes; and iii) determination of aneuploidy simultaneously with common chromosomal deletions, insertions and translocations. GSN is developing the enhanced reporting system, statistical methods, and wet- lab infrastructure to offer this service to six of the leading IVF centers in the US (all of which have already signed letters of intent to purchase the service) and subsequently to the worldwide IVF community. Roughly 152,000 and 653,000 IVF cycles were performed in 2006 in the US and internationally, and PGD continues to grow at roughly 33% annually. In summary, funding for this study will enable GSN to design and develop a custom technology platform for simultaneous detection of aneuploidy, translocations, deletions, and insertions; validate the performance of the new technology; and apply the technology to investigate the utility of an emerging embryo biopsy technique. GSN's technology will bring the domain of embryo pre-implantation diagnosis into the realm of reliable diagnostics which can be regulated and used as part of the standard of care during in-vitro fertilization.
Public Health Relevance:
Narrative and Relevance to Healthcare With the accumulating knowledge of how disease phenotypes are associated with genotypes, the question arises how this knowledge can be applied to improve the quality of life and health. Chromosomal disorders such as aneuploidy have been important causes of childhood morbidity and mortality, and the quality of life of the affected children will vary depending on which chromosome(s) is involved. In the context of in vitro fertilization (IVF), it is estimated that at least 50% of human embryos are affected by aneuploidy and other chromosomal abnormalities. Implantation of these embryos can lead to universally undesired medical outcomes such as failed embryo implantation, spontaneous abortion, or birth of a trisomic child. It is, therefore, not surprising that reproductive specialists are increasingly turning to preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) testing in efforts to identify embryos with the best chance of development into healthy children. With this grant, Gene Security Network (GSN) will develop a new customized technology platform that integrates GSN's proprietary bioinformatics technology with Illumina-based genotyping technology. This customized platform will enable IVF physicians to screen embryos for aneuploidy, deletions, insertions and translocations across all chromosomes with unprecedented accuracy and scope, and at a similar cost compared to other methods. This technology, termed Parental SupportTM (PS), is built on the fundamental principles of meiosis and Human Genome Project data. In comparison to other existing PGD methods, GSN's new customized platform enables: i) determination of aneuploidy with roughly two orders of magnitude lower error rates; ii) determination of aneuploidy across all chromosomes; and iii) determination of aneuploidy simultaneously with common chromosomal deletions, insertions and translocations. GSN is developing the enhanced reporting system, statistical methods, and wet- lab infrastructure to offer this service to six of the leading IVF centers in the US (all of which have already signed letters of intent to purchase the service) and subsequently to the worldwide IVF community. Roughly 152,000 and 653,000 IVF cycles were performed in 2006 in the US and internationally, and PGD continues to grow at roughly 33% annually. In summary, funding for this study will enable GSN to design and develop a custom technology platform for simultaneous detection of aneuploidy, translocations, deletions, and insertions; validate the performance of the new technology; and apply the technology to investigate the utility of an emerging embryo biopsy technique. GSN's technology will bring the domain of embryo pre-implantation diagnosis into the realm of reliable diagnostics which can be regulated and used as part of the standard of care during in-vitro fertilization.
Thesaurus Terms:
There Are No Thesaurus Terms On File For This Project.
Phase II
Contract Number: 4R44HD060423-02Start Date: 2/14/2009 Completed: 8/31/2011
Phase II year
2009(last award dollars: 2010)
Phase II Amount
$1,599,746Thesaurus Terms:
0-11 Years Old; Aberrant Chromosome; Abnormalities, Chromosomal; Abscission; Active Follow-Up; Address; Affect; Algorithms; Allele Frequency; Alleles; Allelomorphs; Aneuploid; Aneuploid Cells; Aneuploidy; Assay; Bio-Informatics; Bioassay; Bioinformatics; Biologic Assays; Biological; Biological Assay; Biopsy; Birth; Blastocyst; Blastocyst Implantation, Natural; Blastocyst Structure; Blastocytes; Blastomere; Blastosphere; Cell Line; Cell Lines, Strains; Cellline; Cells; Characteristics; Child; Child Youth; Childhood; Children (0-21); Chromosomal Aberrations; Chromosomal Alterations; Chromosomal Deletion; Chromosomal Disorders; Chromosome Aberrations; Chromosome Abnormality Disorders; Chromosome Alterations; Chromosome Anomalies; Chromosome Deletion; Chromosome Disorders; Chromosome Positioning; Chromosome Abnormality; Chromosomes; Clinic; Communities; Computer Simulation; Computerized Models; Congenital Chromosomal Disease; Couples; Custom; Cytogenetic Aberrations; Cytogenetic Abnormalities; Dna; Dna Chips; Dna Content; Dna Index; Dna Microarray; Dna Microarray Chip; Dna Microchips; Dna Ploidy; Dna Analysis; Data; Deoxyribonucleic Acid; Detection; Development; Diagnosis; Diagnostic; Diagnostic Services; Down Syndrome; Down's Syndrome; Downs Syndrome; Dropout; Drops; Embryo; Embryo Implantation; Embryo Stage 2; Embryo, Preimplantation; Embryoblast; Embryonic; Embryonic Tissue, Placenta; Enrollment; Evaluation; Excision; Extirpation; Fish Technic; Fish Technique; Fish Analysis; Face; Fathers; Fertilization In Vitro; Fetus; Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization; Frequencies (Time Pattern); Frequency; Funding; Gene Frequency; Genes; Genetic; Genetic Analyses; Genetics, Human; Genital System, Female, Uterus; Genome; Genotype; Goals; Grant; Health; Hour; Human; Human Genetics; Human Genome Project; Human, Child; Human, General; Ivf; Implant; Implantation, Blastocyst; In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence; Individual; Informatics; Infrastructure; Inner Cell Mass; Kinetic; Kinetics; Knowledge; Langdon Down Syndrome; Lead; Letters; Life; Live Birth; Man (Taxonomy); Man, Modern; Manufacturer; Manufacturer Name; Mathematical Model Simulation; Mathematical Models And Simulations; Measurement; Measures; Medical; Meiosis; Methods; Methods And Techniques; Methods, Other; Minor; Miscarriage; Mission; Modeling; Models, Computer; Molecular; Mongolism; Morbidity; Morbidity - Disease Rate; Mortality; Mortality Vital Statistics; Mothers; Nidation; Outcome; Ovum Implantation; Parents; Partial Monosomy; Parturition; Pb Element; Performance; Phase; Physicians; Placenta; Placenta-Tissue, Cells; Placentoma, Normal; Placentome; Ploidies; Polymorphism, Single Base; Population; Precipitation; Preimplantation Diagnosis; Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis; Procedures; Process; Protocol; Protocols Documentation; Proxy; Qol; Quality Of Life; Reagent; Removal; Reporting; Research Infrastructure; Risk; Running; Snp; Snps; Sampling; Screening Result; Screening Procedure; Security; Services; Simulation, Computer Based; Single Nucleotide Polymorphism; Source; Specialist; Spontaneous Abortion; Staging; Statistical Methods; Structure Of Embryo Stage 2; Surgical Removal; Swab; System; System, Loinc Axis 4; Techniques; Technology; Test-Tube Fertilization; Testing; Time; Triad; Triad Acrylic Resin; Triad Resin; Trisomy 21; Uterus; Variant; Variation; Allelic Frequency; Base; Blastocyst; Blastula; Children; Chromosome 21 Trisomy Syndrome; Chromosome Complement; Computational Modeling; Computational Models; Computational Simulation; Computer Based Models; Computerized Modeling; Computerized Simulation; Congenital Acromicria Syndrome; Cost; Cultured Cell Line; Design; Designing; Diagnosis Service; Disease Phenotype; Embryo Stage 2; Enroll; Facial; Fetal; Follow-Up; Genetic Analysis; Genotyping Technology; Heavy Metal Pb; Heavy Metal Lead; Implantation; Improved; In Silico; Innovate; Innovation; Innovative; Innovative Technologies; Insertion-Deletion; Insertion-Deletion Mutation; Insertion/Deletion; Insertion/Deletion Mutation; Interest; Meiotic; Morbus Down; Natural Blastocyst Implantation; New Technology; Novel; Pediatric; Preimplantation; Pseudohypertrophic Progressive Muscular Dystrophy; Public Health Relevance; Reproductive; Resection; Response; Screening; Screenings; Standard Of Care; Trend; Trisomy 21 Syndrome; Virtual Simulation; Womb; Youngster