Targeted Neural Plasticity for the Treatment of TinnitusAward last edited on: 12/26/19
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIDCDTotal Award Amount
$5,044,621Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Brent TarverCompany Information
MicroTransponder Inc
2802 Flintrock Trace
Austin, TX 75230
Austin, TX 75230
(972) 227-1160 |
info@microtransponder.com |
www.microtransponder.com |
Location: Single
Congr. District: 32
County: Dallas
Congr. District: 32
County: Dallas
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43DC010084-01Start Date: 3/23/09 Completed: 2/28/10
Phase I year
2009Phase I Amount
$239,020Public Health Relevance:
MicroTransponder, Inc. is developing a novel treatment for tinnitus. This is an application to test the feasibility of reducing tinnitus by pairing left vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) with tone presentations to reorganize the auditory cortical frequency map. Current pharmacological, auditory, and training therapies are likely to be more effective if coupled with a mechanism to stimulate therapeutic cortical plasticity.
Public Health Relevance:
This Public Health Relevance is not available.
Thesaurus Terms:
There Are No Thesaurus Terms On File For This Project.
Phase II
Contract Number: 2R44DC010084-02Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
2010(last award dollars: 2013)
Phase II Amount
$4,805,601Public Health Relevance:
This is a Phase II SBIR application to develop a therapy for tinnitus. Our Phase I studies demonstrated that our overall therapeutic approach can induce lasting and complete reverse of tinnitus using a safe and inexpensive method of vagal nerve stimulation paired with presentation of sounds. Tinnitus is a devastating disease for millions of Americans. Severe forms of tinnitus are debilitating and untreated. This project will move our therapy toward clinical trials to test efficacy in humans.
Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative This is a Phase II SBIR proposal to develop a therapy for tinnitus. Our Phase I studies demonstrated that our overall therapeutic approach can induce lasting and complete reverse of tinnitus using a safe and inexpensive method of vagal nerve stimulation paired with presentation of sounds. Tinnitus is a devastating disease for millions of Americans. Severe forms of tinnitus are debilitating and untreated. This project will move our therapy toward clinical trials to test efficacy in humans.
Project Terms:
American; Animals; Apoplexy; CNS plasticity; Cerebral Stroke; Cerebrovascular Apoplexy; Cerebrovascular Stroke; Cerebrovascular accident; Chest; Clinic; Clinical; Clinical Evaluation; Clinical Research; Clinical Study; Clinical Testing; Clinical Trials; Clinical Trials, Unspecified; Common Rat Strains; Computer Programs; Computer software; Computers; Cues; Data; Depression; Devices; Diagnosis; Disease; Disease model; Disorder; Epilepsy; Epileptic Seizures; Epileptics; Esthesia; Evaluation; Funding; Goals; Government; Grant; Hand; Human; Human, General; Implant; Individual; Intention; Investigation; Lead; Learning; Left; Letters; Mammals, Rats; Man (Taxonomy); Man, Modern; Manufacturer; Manufacturer Name; Medical Device; Mental Depression; Methods; Modeling; Modification; Nerve; Nervous; Neurologic; Neurological; Neuronal Plasticity; Patients; Pb element; Persons; Phase; Physical Health Services / Rehabilitation; Physiologic pulse; Preparation; Programs (PT); Programs [Publication Type]; Protocol; Protocols documentation; Pulse; Rat; Rattus; Rehabilitation; Rehabilitation therapy; Rehabilitation, Medical; Review Literature; Ringing-Buzzing-Tinnitus; SBIR; SBIRS (R43/44); Seizure Disorder; Sensation; Small Business Innovation Research; Small Business Innovation Research Grant; Software; Sound; Sound - physical agent; Sterilization; Stimulus; Stroke; System; System, LOINC Axis 4; TXT; Technology; Testing; Text; Therapeutic; Thorace; Thoracic; Thorax; Time; Tinnitus; Translating; Translatings; United States; Vascular Accident, Brain; Writing; base; brain attack; cerebral vascular accident; chronic pain; chronic painful condition; clinical investigation; clinical test; computer program/software; design; designing; develop software; developing computer software; disease/disorder; disorder model; efficacy testing; epilepsia; epileptiform; epileptogenic; experience; heavy metal Pb; heavy metal lead; language translation; laptop; neural circuit; neural circuitry; neural plasticity; neuroplasticity; phase 1 study; phase 2 study; pre-clinical; preclinical; programs; public health relevance; rehabilitative; research clinical testing; safety testing; software development; sound; stroke