Modulated Imaging: Toward Commercialization of a Wide-Field Optical Imaging Platform for Wound CareAward last edited on: 5/15/2020
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIAMSTotal Award Amount
$4,106,618Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
David J CucciaCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43RR025985-01Start Date: 5/15/2009 Completed: 4/30/2011
Phase I year
2009Phase I Amount
$350,000Public Health Relevance:
We propose to develop a robust imaging platform for quantitative imaging of subsurface tissue properties for clinical imaging applications. This system will implement Modulated Imaging (MI) technology, a non-contact imaging method developed under the Laser Microbeam and Medical Program center at the Beckman Laser Institute, UC Irvine. By accurately knowing what areas of tissue are healthy during surgery or in the Intensive Care Units (ICU), doctors may intervene and perform more timely procedures to avoid permanent tissue damage. Benefits include margin identification of skin cancer lesions, reducing unnecessary wound care procedures such as amputations in diabetic and trauma patients, and skin grafting in burn patients. Economically, the Modulated Imaging device will reduce hospital costs by eliminating unnecessary additional hospital days for these patients.
Public Health Relevance Statement:
We propose to develop a robust imaging platform for quantitative imaging of subsurface tissue properties for clinical imaging applications. This system will implement Modulated Imaging (MI) technology, a non-contact imaging method developed under the Laser Microbeam and Medical Program center at the Beckman Laser Institute, UC Irvine. By accurately knowing what areas of tissue are healthy during surgery or in the Intensive Care Units (ICU), doctors may intervene and perform more timely procedures to avoid permanent tissue damage. Benefits include margin identification of skin cancer lesions, reducing unnecessary wound care procedures such as amputations in diabetic and trauma patients, and skin grafting in burn patients. Economically, the Modulated Imaging device will reduce hospital costs by eliminating unnecessary additional hospital days for these patients.
Project Terms:
Absorption; Advanced Development; Amputation; Analysis, Data; Archives; Area; Biological; Biology; Biomedical Technology; Body Tissues; Burn injury; Burns; Caring; Clinical; Clinical Protocols; Clinical Research; Clinical Study; Computer Programs; Computer software; Cutaneous Melanoma; Data Analyses; Dermatology; Dermatoplasties; Dermatoplasty; Development; Development Plans; Devices; Disease Progression; Electromagnetic, Laser; Electronics; Engineering; Engineerings; Ethics Committees, Research; Event; Feasibility Studies; Flaps; Frequencies (time pattern); Frequency; Funding; Goals; Health; Hemoglobin; Hospital Costs; IRBs; Illumination; Image; Imaging Device; Imaging Procedures; Imaging Techniques; Imaging Tool; Imaging technology; Institutes; Institutional Review Boards; Instrumentation, Other; Intensive Care Units; Island Flaps; Laboratories; Lasers; Length of Stay; Lesion; Light; Lighting; Malignant Cutaneous Melanoma; Malignant Melanoma of Skin; Malignant Melanoma of Skin Stage Unspecified; Malignant Skin Neoplasm; Malignant Tumor of the Skin; Measurement; Medical; Medical Device; Medical Imaging; Medicine; Melanoma and Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer; Metric; Nevus Flammeus; Number of Days in Hospital; Operation; Operative Procedures; Operative Surgical Procedures; Optical Methods; Optics; Patients; Pattern; Performance; Phase; Photoradiation; Port Wine Birthmark; Port Wine Nevus; Port Wine Stain of the Skin; Port Wine Type Hemangioma; Port-Wine Stain; Procedures; Process; Process of absorption; Programs (PT); Programs [Publication Type]; Property; Property, LOINC Axis 2; Protocol; Protocols documentation; Radiation, Laser; Reconstructive Surgical Procedures; Reproducibility; Research; Research Ethics Committees; Research Resources; Resolution; Resources; Science of Medicine; Simulate; Skin; Skin Cancer; Skin Cancer, Including Melanoma; Skin Transplantation; Skin graft; Skin, Melanoma; Software; Source; Structure; Surgical; Surgical Flaps; Surgical Interventions; Surgical Procedure; System; System, LOINC Axis 4; Technics, Imaging; Technology; Testing; Therapeutic; Thick; Thickness; Tissues; Trauma; Tungsten; Validation; W element; Wolfram; Wound Healing; Wound Repair; Xe element; Xenon; allogenic skin graft; base; chromophore; clinical research site; clinical site; computer program/software; design; designing; diabetic; digital; evaluation/testing; grafting, skin; hospital days; hospital length of stay; hospital stay; human subject; imaging; imaging modality; in vivo; insight; instrument; instrumentation; millimeter; optic imaging; optical imaging; programs; public health relevance; reconstructive surgery; response; surgery; tissue repair; user-friendly; wound
Phase II
Contract Number: 5R43RR025985-02Start Date: 5/15/2009 Completed: 4/30/2011
Phase II year
2010(last award dollars: 2019)
Phase II Amount
$3,756,618Public Health Relevance:
We propose to develop a robust imaging platform for quantitative imaging of subsurface tissue properties for clinical imaging applications. This system will implement Modulated Imaging (MI) technology, a non-contact imaging method developed under the Laser Microbeam and Medical Program center at the Beckman Laser Institute, UC Irvine. By accurately knowing what areas of tissue are healthy during surgery or in the Intensive Care Units (ICU), doctors may intervene and perform more timely procedures to avoid permanent tissue damage. Benefits include margin identification of skin cancer lesions, reducing unnecessary wound care procedures such as amputations in diabetic and trauma patients, and skin grafting in burn patients. Economically, the Modulated Imaging device will reduce hospital costs by eliminating unnecessary additional hospital days for these patients.
Thesaurus Terms:
Absorption; Advanced Development; Amputation; Analysis, Data; Archives; Area; Biological; Biology; Biomedical Technology; Body Tissues; Burn Injury; Burns; Caring; Clinical; Clinical Protocols; Clinical Research; Clinical Study; Computer Programs; Computer Software; Cutaneous Melanoma; Data Analyses; Dermatology; Dermatoplasties; Dermatoplasty; Development; Development Plans; Devices; Disease Progression; Electromagnetic, Laser; Electronics; Engineering; Engineerings; Ethics Committees, Research; Event; Feasibility Studies; Flaps; Frequencies (Time Pattern); Frequency; Funding; Goals; Health; Hemoglobin; Hospital Costs; Irbs; Illumination; Image; Imaging Device; Imaging Procedures; Imaging Techniques; Imaging Tool; Imaging Technology; Institutes; Institutional Review Boards; Instrumentation, Other; Intensive Care Units; Island Flaps; Laboratories; Lasers; Length Of Stay; Lesion; Light; Lighting; Malignant Cutaneous Melanoma; Malignant Melanoma Of Skin; Malignant Melanoma Of Skin Stage Unspecified; Malignant Skin Neoplasm; Malignant Tumor Of The Skin; Measurement; Medical; Medical Device; Medical Imaging; Medicine; Melanoma And Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer; Metric; Nevus Flammeus; Number Of Days In Hospital; Operation; Operative Procedures; Operative Surgical Procedures; Optical Methods; Optics; Patients; Pattern; Performance; Phase; Photoradiation; Port Wine Birthmark; Port Wine Nevus; Port Wine Stain Of The Skin; Port Wine Type Hemangioma; Port-Wine Stain; Procedures; Process; Process Of Absorption; Programs (Pt); Programs [publication Type]; Property; Property, Loinc Axis 2; Protocol; Protocols Documentation; Radiation, Laser; Reconstructive Surgical Procedures; Reproducibility; Research; Research Ethics Committees; Research Resources; Resolution; Resources; Science Of Medicine; Simulate; Skin; Skin Cancer; Skin Cancer, Including Melanoma; Skin Transplantation; Skin Graft; Skin, Melanoma; Software; Source; Structure; Surgical; Surgical Flaps; Surgical Interventions; Surgical Procedure; System; System, Loinc Axis 4; Technics, Imaging; Technology; Testing; Therapeutic; Thick; Thickness; Tissues; Trauma; Tungsten; Validation; W Element; Wolfram; Wound Healing; Wound Repair; Xe Element; Xenon; Absorption; Allogenic Skin Graft; Base; Chromophore; Clinical Research Site; Clinical Site; Computer Program/Software; Design; Designing; Diabetic; Digital; Evaluation/Testing; Grafting, Skin; Hospital Days; Hospital Length Of Stay; Hospital Stay; Human Subject; Imaging; Imaging Modality; In Vivo; Insight; Instrument; Instrumentation; Millimeter; Optic Imaging; Optical Imaging; Programs; Public Health Relevance; Reconstructive Surgery; Response; Surgery; Tissue Repair; User-Friendly; Wound