RF Absorptive Filter (RAF)
Award last edited on: 11/6/2018

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Kevin Miyashiro

Company Information

TeraSys Technologies LLC

1001 Bishop Street Pacific Tower Suite 2970
Honolulu, HI 96813
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Honolulu

Phase I

Contract Number: N65538-08-M-0142
Start Date: 9/25/2008    Completed: 11/30/2009
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The RF Absorptive Filter (RAF) is a high power, low loss, absorptive band reject filter designed to enable Blue Force communications to occur simultaneously with CREW Systems. RAF is capable of installation at the output of an RCIED jammer to maximize noise rejection due to its high power handling and absorptive properties. RAF is compatible with both fixed frequency and frequency hopping Blue Force communications.

RAF can enable interoperability between CREW Systems and Blue Force communications for military vehicles, man portable systems, VIP escorts, and Homeland Security personnel.

band reject filter, band reject filter, Blue Force communication interoperability, CREW interoperability, Co-site Interference, Notch Filter, band stop filter

Phase II

Contract Number: N00039-11-C-0009
Start Date: 3/2/2011    Completed: 2/22/2013
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This phase II effort will build upon the feasibility demonstration of phase I. We will build an electrically tunable absorptive notch filter to enable CREW and Blue Force Communications. Two designs will be built, covering the 225-500MHz and 1350-1850MHz bands.

Reflectionless Filter, Reflectionless Filter, Co-Site Interference, Band Reject Filter, Band Stop Filter, Blue Force Communications, Notch Filter, Tunable Filter, Absorptive F